

  After their tumultuous time last series, Louisa has gone for a break to visit her mother in Spain and to have some time to think, and get some perspective on their relationship. Martin is faced with the questions: will Louisa come back to him; and what can he do to make sure that she does?      Martin knows that he needs to change for the sake of his marriage, and seeks out a therapist to try and effect this change. Aunt Ruth (Dame Eileen Atkins) manages to find him someone very well qualified, Dr Rachel Timoney (Emily Bevan).      However, life in Portwenn transpires to get in Martin’s way, in the shape of Steve Baker (Daniel Ryan), and the lifeboat training exercise. Martin is not the only person inconvenienced.      Steve and his assistant Barry (Joss Porter) are meant to be helping Al get his new Bed and Breakfast ready in time for his first guests arriving, but Steve is never there and half the walls still haven’t been plastered. Al (Joe Absolom) can’t even rely on his father or Morwenna (Jessica Ransom) for help, as Bert (Ian McNeice) is upset that Al hasn’t wanted his help in the past, and Morwenna has been roped into the lifeboat training exercise by her new flat-mate Janice (Robyn Addison).      When Steve collapses at the wheel of the lifeboat, the mock rescue becomes a real-life rescue, and Martin and PC Penhale (John Marquez) race out to help Morwenna to save Steve’s life. But marooned at sea, Martin is going to have trouble getting back in time to speak to Louisa and is in danger of missing his first scheduled therapy session.

2022-10-24 17:01:30



电影看看-啥电影都有网友:在线观看地址 https://dianyingkk.com/play/959d9a9fa99e.html《外科医生马丁第七季》
腾讯视频网友:电影前的回忆闪回让观众们完美过渡 没看过前作的朋友也毫无压力 相比第一部演员有所升级
After their tumultuous time last series, Louisa has gone for a break to visit her mother in Spain and to have some time to think, and get some perspective on their relationship. Martin is faced with the questions: will Louisa come back to him; and what can he do to make sure that she does?      Martin knows that he needs to change for the sake of his marriage, and seeks out a therapist to try and effect this change. Aunt Ruth (Dame Eileen Atkins) manages to find him someone very well qualified, Dr Rachel Timoney (Emily Bevan).      However, life in Portwenn transpires to get in Martin’s way, in the shape of Steve Baker (Daniel Ryan), and the lifeboat training exercise. Martin is not the only person inconvenienced.      Steve and his assistant Barry (Joss Porter) are meant to be helping Al get his new Bed and Breakfast ready in time for his first guests arriving, but Steve is never there and half the walls still haven’t been plastered. Al (Joe Absolom) can’t even rely on his father or Morwenna (Jessica Ransom) for help, as Bert (Ian McNeice) is upset that Al hasn’t wanted his help in the past, and Morwenna has been roped into the lifeboat training exercise by her new flat-mate Janice (Robyn Addison).      When Steve collapses at the wheel of the lifeboat, the mock rescue becomes a real-life rescue, and Martin and PC Penhale (John Marquez) race out to help Morwenna to save Steve’s life. But marooned at sea, Martin is going to have trouble getting back in time to speak to Louisa and is in danger of missing his first scheduled therapy session.
外科医生马丁第七季由导演奈吉柯尔和等演员在2015年在英国拍摄的一部非常好看的剧情,喜剧,欧美片,评分一直在涨,现由 www.dianyingkk.com 免费提供在线观看


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